CIPP Data Privacy Certification

Any online company that collects personal data must share its privacy policy with visitors. This document should clearly state how the company collects, uses, shares, and manages that data. If poorly managed, incomplete legal documents, policies, and processes can lead to privacy data breaches and legal action.

On the other hand, well-managed privacy policies protect all concerned. This protection is why companies seek to improve compliance and avoid legal action by employing qualified Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) practitioners. These practitioners help to manage data and privacy efficiently, create legal documents like privacy policies, and comply with regulations.

If this type of legal work sounds intriguing, explore the value of enrolling in a CIPP Data Protection Certificate (Data Privacy Certification) program to become a data protection officer (DPO). This article discusses the CIPP Data Privacy Certification, its benefits, and how it opens up opportunities due to employer demand and increases employability and earning potential.

What is the CIPP Data Privacy Certification?

The CIPP program teaches participants how to apply privacy laws and regulations to protect the privacy and data assimilated by organizations. This protection is critical for organizations in terms of legal compliance and to protect themselves and third parties they engage with from cyber-attacks. Without the protection of qualified DPOs or CIPP practitioners, organizations run exceptional risks that can quickly shut down operations, temporarily or permanently.

What To Expect From the CIPP Program

Students who enroll in the CIPP program can expect to learn the basics of privacy and data protection. Educational materials cover jurisdictional laws and legal requirements for managing, sharing, and transferring data. The program also teaches privacy concepts and principles. Additionally, students will learn about regulation and enforcement models and related subject matter.

CIPP course materials are available online. Teaching occurs live online and in person for individuals or in live online classrooms. Various course providers offer CIPP Data Privacy Certifications or similar qualifications.

Enrolment for some CIPP Data Privacy Certifications may require a computer science degree, cyber security or information security, or a qualification in a similar field. However, not all CIPP programs require prior qualifications.

Scope of CIPP Studies

Students decide whether to focus on CIPP qualifications specific to the United States (U.S.) private sector, Canada, Europe, or Asia. The U.S. government CIPP is only available after completing the private-sector program.

Several notable laws that students will encounter in CIPP studies are:

  • The 2016 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - applicable to European Union (EU) citizens and residents. Any organization collecting information from EU citizens or residents must also observe the rules of this law.
  • The 2019 Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security Act (SHIELD) - New York's law to protect data and privacy against cybersecurity attacks - now invalid and replaced by the EU-U.S. DPF.
  • The EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF).
  • The 2020 California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) - California's law to protect against any unauthorized access to data that is personally identifiable.
  • Other more recent Consumer Data Protection Acts are coming into effect across the U.S., are already effective, or must now be enforced. Some of these Acts include those for Virginia, Colorado, and Texas.
  • HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
  • Maryland PIPA: Maryland's Personal Information Protection Act.

Data Protection Officer Responsibilities

Once qualified, CIPP practitioners can use their knowledge to strengthen privacy and data compliance for employers. Although the following responsibilities refer to GDPR compliance requirements, many apply to qualified, experienced CIPP practitioners in other countries. These responsibilities include the following:

  • Developing policy documents to guide risk reduction practices.
  • Employee training in applicable compliance and related data privacy regulations.
  • Maintenance of records involving the organization's data processing activities.
  • Doing regular audits and Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) under GDPR to ensure all data and privacy activities line up with legal requirements.
  • Let people (natural persons or data subjects) know how the organization uses and stores their data and how you protect it.
  • If people ask to see their data or request it be deleted, the CIPP practitioner must show them the data on record or delete it as requested.
  • Remain current with legal updates.
  • DPOs are also the liaison between the organization and regulatory bodies.

Who Should Study for CIPP Data Privacy Certification?

Anyone whose work needs an in-depth understanding of privacy laws, policies, and data will benefit from the CIPP Data Privacy Certification. These individuals specifically include compliance officers and risk managers.

However, anyone working with legal requirements, auditing, information management, data governance, payroll, privacy administration or analysis, financial data management, human resources, and others in similar data privacy positions will benefit from the CIPP Data Privacy Certification.

How To Get the CIPP Data Privacy Certification

The CIPP Data Privacy Certification is available from the IAPP or its official training partners. You can register for online training materials and use the study guides to prepare for the exam. Live help and online classroom training are also available to help prepare for the exam. Once you are confident that you are well prepared, you can purchase the exam online, set a date, and receive the CIPP Data Privacy Certification after passing.

Demand Levels for CIPP Practitioners

Demand for CIPP Practitioners varies depending on the size of the organization and the extent of its data privacy needs. Still, research by Statista shows that 39% of privacy leaders in the U.S. are taking on DPO responsibilities, while 67% of privacy leaders across the EU are taking on this work, highlighting the necessity for lower-level specialists to support leadership work in this field.

Also, as U.S. states develop their own data and privacy laws, the demand for CIPP practitioners will grow. Besides this prospect, statistics like those above show the necessity for more specialists in this area right now. As cyber-attacks, hacking, and other breaches increase, organizations should also appreciate the need for greater investments in data and privacy protection.

Until then, companies must guard their data and client privacy.

How the CIPP Data Privacy Certification Supports Qualification Credibility

Almost all the CIPP certificates are accredited by the International Standardization Organization (ISO) 17024:2012 under the umbrella of the America National Standard Institute's National Accreditation Board (ANSI). Those without this stamp of approval are the CIPP/A and CIPP/C.

The accreditation for the CIPP Data Privacy Certification and other programs is moving from ANSI to the American National Accreditation Board (ANAB). In the interim, accreditation from ANSI/ANAB and ISO is highly valued in the labor market because it shows the international standardization of training and the rigorous testing of knowledge.

This accreditation also offers the following credibility:

  • Employers know that the CIPP Data Privacy Certification follows globally recognized standards regarding reliability, consistency, and comparability.
  • Acknowledgment of the quality and integrity of this certification.
  • Ensures that the CIPP Data Privacy Certification maintains its value and validity over time with regular testing.
  • Gives potential employers the assurance they need that the certificate holder has the knowledge and abilities to do data privacy work effectively.

Anyone who writes the CIPP exam typically needs experience in the data privacy environment. Because of this and because training materials for the CIPP Data Privacy Certification don't cover everything you need to pass the exam, it is more challenging. This testing process makes the CIPP Data Privacy Certification more valuable to students and employers since it covers a broader spectrum of the data and privacy environment.

What Can the CIPP Do for You?

Having a CIPP Data Privacy Certification improves your professional standing. It does this by sending a clear message to potential employers that you have taken extra time to add a globally recognized accreditation to your C.V.

On a personal level, this certificate:

  • Boosts self-confidence in your abilities.
  • Increases your capacity to manage data and privacy for an employee.
  • Adds valuable theoretical knowledge to your experience.
  • Enhances your potential to network with other professionals in this field.
  • Improves your earning ability and employability as it gives you a competitive edge over anyone who does not have this certificate.

What Benefits Come With Having a CIPP Data Privacy Certification?

Besides being an endorsement of abilities on a personal level, the CIPP Data Privacy Certification has professional benefits because it enables you to:

  • Enhance organizational data privacy, whether regulated or not, which increases its credibility and reputation.
  • Ensure compliance with privacy regulations, reducing the risk of fines and claims against the organization.
  • Add value to employer operations and reputation, which increases its value and attracts new customers who want to do business.
  • Improve data transparency demonstrates honesty, which increases the value the organization gives its customers. Consequently, this transparency may attract new customers who are assured that the organization is doing everything possible to protect their private information.

Is the CIPP Data Privacy Certification a Requirement for Any Jobs?

Yes and No. Some laws, like the GDPR, mandate the appointment of a DPO. Others, like certain privacy laws in the U.S. and Canada, do not. So, although a CIPP Data Privacy Certification is not always mandatory, the voluntary appointment of one is often necessary in larger organizations. A few examples of data privacy laws show how these are similar or differ across states and countries.

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) does not mandate a DPO. However, the rights and obligations of companies and customers make it vital to appoint someone to comply with this Act where data privacy is involved.

Like the CCPA, other privacy acts seek compliance with and enforcement of data protection. Many Canadian provinces require the appointment of a designated person to manage the collection and use of private information.

The GDPR requires the appointment of a DPO in specific circumstances. Any organization operating under the GDPR in the U.S. must comply with the same regulations.

What Jobs Can You Get With a CIPP Data Privacy Certification?

A CIPP Data Privacy Certification adds value to your C.V., so you can apply for multiple data privacy officer or CIPP practitioner positions. What jobs you apply for with this certificate also depends on other qualifications and experience.

A general overview of job titles that can benefit from a CIPP Data Privacy Certification include:

  • Entry-level Privacy Officer
  • Senior Privacy Officer
  • Compliance Officers
  • Risk Managers
  • Privacy Specialist
  • IT Security Privacy Assessment Specialist
  • Privacy Risk Consultant
  • Senior Data Governance Manager
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Senior Healthcare Security Compliance Specialist
  • Data Officer
  • Chief Data Officer
  • CSO Chief Security Officer

What's the Average Salary/Pay Rate for U.S./EU CIPP Data Privacy Certification Certified Professionals?

Privacy Officers, data protection officers, or CIPP practitioners earned an average of $40,194 in the U.S. in 2023. However, salary lows of $25,000 were possible, while at the high end, annual incomes rose to $159,468 or more. So, how much you earn with a CIPP Data Privacy Certification depends on prior qualifications, experience, and how long you've worked in the industry.

The figures below offer general guidelines for how much you can expect to earn with a CIPP Data Privacy Certification in various countries.

United States of America

According to ZipRecruiter, the average DPO salary in the U.S. was $40,194 in 2023. The salary range for this position was between $25,000 and $55,000.

The sample below shows typical DPO salaries across several U.S. states during 2023:

  • Barnstable Town, MA - $46,424
  • Manhattan, NY - $46,447
  • Berkeley, CA - $46,779
  • Kent, WA - $47,197
  • Arlington, VA - $48,421
  • San Buenaventura, CA - $82,696

Salaries for department heads or specialized areas ranged between $119,488 (Dental Officer) to $159,468 (Chief Information Officer) annually in 2023.


Average DPO salaries in Canada during 2023 were $81,000. The range of DPO salaries went from a low of $72,350 to a high of $160,891.

United Kingdom

Average 2023 DPO salaries across the U.K. were £52,693, ranging from £36,000 to £79,000 annually.


Dublin - Average range: €70,000 - €100,000

Cork - Average range: €65,000 - €80,000


Paris - Average range: €45,000 - €87,000


Privacy Officer Average: €62,114. Range: €44,738 - €76,523 €


Privacy Officer Average: CHF 93'561. Range: CHF 67'201- CHF 114'945


Privacy Officer Average: €57,180. Range: €41,161 - €70,404


The CIPP program teaches you how to apply privacy laws and regulations to protect the privacy and data collected by organizations.

Students learn about applicable CIPP laws they will encounter when undertaking DPO responsibilities. Educational materials cover jurisdictional laws and legal requirements for managing, sharing, and transferring data.

Having this cert can open a range of different jobs for you while potentially boosting your income and earnings capacity as well, although this will vary depending on numerous factors including where you live in the world and what industry you work in.